Dark Arts Books Nightmare at Christmas Sale!

THIS WEEK, get 10 titles from Dark Arts Books for your Kindle for just 99 cents! From the critically acclaimed Synchronized Sleepwalking collection from Martin Mundt to John Everson’s Bram Stoker Finalist NightWhere, we’ve got your nightmares covered: A Dark Arts Horror Christmas List: By Martin Mundt:SYNCHRONIZED SLEEPWALKING by Martin Mundt: https://www.amazon.com/Synchronized-Sleepwalking-Martin-Mundt-ebook/dp/B01740ZC9M…

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John Everson Super Cyber-Week Sale!

This week, Redemption, The Family Tree, NightWhere, Violet Eyes, Violet Lagoon, Field of Flesh and Sacrificing Virgins are all just 99 cents on Amazon! Covenant, Sacrifice and The 13th are $1.49! Plus – Cage of Bones & Other Deadly Obsessions is… FREE! Please share this post and visit John’s author…

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At last, you can now get… REDEMPTION!

Dark Arts Books has released REDEMPTION, the final book in John Everson’s horror trilogy that began in his Bram Stoker Award-winning first novel, COVENANT. If you like your horror fiction filled with demons and depravity… this is the novel for you! The e-book and trade paperback are both now available…

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